We made it to May, and hurray, New York will be fully open soon! (How exciting?!). As many New Yorkers get immunized, the reopening process is in motion, and it unfolds nicely. Most capacity restrictions will be lifted soon, but for now, we can already enjoy gatherings, drinks at the bar, or sunsets on the rooftops. No wonder that as a big comeback, I chose to visit The Met’s Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Roof Garden.
For the first MET’s 2021 Roof Garden Commission, Alex da Corte – the conceptual artist and designer of immersive environments, created the very exciting piece As Long as the Sun Lasts. The 26-foot-tall installation is nothing less than true-to-live Big Bird from Sesame Street. And as Big Bird, who swings on a bench and is ready to fly away at any moment, I felt almost the same in my very fluid blouse from Equipment and jeans from American Vintage. If you’re looking to freshen up your look for the season, like Corte refreshed the iconic favorite children’s character, you should keep an eye on the Equipment and American Vintage. Even though both brands are deeply rooted in traditions like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the fresh breeze of 2021 brought a lot of incredible surprises not only to MET’s fans but to fashion lovers as well.

Blouse: Equipment
Pants: American Vintage
Necklace: TIJN Home
Bag: JW Pei
Shoes: Zara